You can upload a list of stores or locations to Reignite to allow you to add personalised nearest store maps and details to your emails.

To make it easy to add this data Reignite utlises the same specification CSV file that you use to upload stores to Google MyBusiness.

A sample file is here:

File Specifications

  • The file must be a valid CSV file with column headings
  • Columns named `Longitude` and `Latitude` must exist and have valid values
  • The first column must be the unique location ID and named `Store Code`
  • To merge in certain values into your location image the following columns must exist:
    1. Business Name
    2. Address line 1
    3. Address line 2
    4. Locality
    5. Administrative Area
    6. Postcode
    7. Website
  • The file can be uploaded without some of these fields but you will not be able to merge this data into the email.

How to upload

  • To upload go to Datatables from the main menu
  • Click the plus button to add a new datatable
  • Choose the ‘Location’ option
  • Choose the file from your desktop to upload
  • Reignite will process this and tell you when the data has finished importing
  • You can now use this data to create location based images!