Reignite is capable of creating images based upon location data to personalise the results to just show locations within the recipients location.

This can be used for amongst other applications:

  • Store locators displaying the nearest retail stores
  • Nearest stockists of products
  • Upcoming events in the customers location
  • Points of interest around where the customer is going on holiday

The location can be set either by passing into the Reignite tags a location value such as a place name, ZIP or Postcode, favourite store or longitude and latitude co-ordinates held in a field in your email marketing platform.

Alternatively, if you don’t have any location data on an individual recipient you can allow Reignite to lookup the IP address of where the recipient opened the email. This has a 85%+ accuracy rate however for those opening in some email devices such as Gmail the IP address is blocked. In this instance you can choose to show a static image, or nothing at all.

In this example we will create a traditional store locator based upon the customers home location.

How to design a location targeted image:

Create a New Image

Start from the main menu you can access from the top left of Reignite and select 'NEW IMAGE':

When creating a new image select the ‘Map’ data source, and then select which datatable contains the store locations. 

Read this guide on how to import location data to a data table.

Next, select whether you want to use our template, upload a background image to work from or start with an empty canvas.
In this example we are creating an image from the template.

Edit Image Settings

When the canvas opens you can adjust the Canvas settings panel as required:

Width/Height in PX
In this example we created this image using the template so the canvas has been pre-set. You can adjust these values as required to resize the canvas.

Background Color
Use the color picker or specify a HEX value to set the background color of the canvas.

Link & Fallbacks

Enter the URL where you would like to take anyone clicking on the image. Use the jigsaw piece to add merge tags from the data source into the URL. Here we will simply add a static URL that takes you to the store locator on the website.

Fallback Link
If you have added any merge tags to the above link, and in the event these merge fields are all empty then you can specify a fixed URL to take the clicking customer to. This prevents any unwelcome 404’s of broken links in the event your Instagram search returns no results.

Fallback Image
In the event the location data source returns no data you can specify a different image to show or a 1x1 transparent pixel so nothing is visible to recipients.

This is particularly important for locations where results may not be found if:

  • You have specified a radius from the location where no results occur
  • Our location API doesn’t recognise the location you specified
  • If relying on IP address to find the location and the customer opens in an email client that blocks the identification of this such as Gmail no results will be returned

Preview Values

In the Preview panel we can add example values to allow us to see what the live image will look like.

The preview values to enter are:

Location: Enter a valid postcode, ZIP code or longitude and latitude (separated by commas). This can be merged in from a field in your email marketing platform, but for now enter a location manually here as we will customise the tag later.

Store ID: You can also specify the ID of a location such as the customers favourite store, and this will be used as the recipients location. This will only apply if no location is entered. This field can also be merged in from a field in your email marketing platform.

Search by IP Address: If this is ticked and no other location is specified we will use the locations of the users IP address. 

A note on IP Fallback: If no location is used by default Reignite will search by the recipients IP address. However, as some email clients such as Gmail block this we will not attempt to return any results, and the fallback image will be shown instead.

Store Count: Enter the maximum number of stores to show on the map.

Max Distance: This allows us to filter the results with a value in miles of where locations must be within of the specified location in order to be displayed.

Zoom: Values from 1 to 14, with 14 being the highest zoom setting on the map. If you leave empty we let Google Maps decide on best fit based upon the number of locations in the chosen radius. This is important to change when you have just a single location you wish to show, as by default Google will zoom in so close you won't be able to clearly see on the map where the store is!

Icon: By default the map will show standard Google markers to identify the store locations. You can override this with a URL to a PNG file. These must be 64x64 pixels or less. In this example we have added this URL:

Creating our image in the canvas

Next, we can start creating our image.

As we are using the template all our elements are already on the canvas. However let's go through each of the key ones in case you wish to create an image from scratch.

The Map

The Google Map object uses our dynamic images. 

If you want to add this from scratch:

  1. From the add menu choose image
  2. Select 'Dynamic Image'
  3. In the URL box choose the jigsaw icon and select the Map URL from the predefined fields
  4. Choose a preview image that will be displayed on the edit page of the canvas to help you craft your design
  5. There is no need to enter a fallback image for this data source

The size of the Google Map is dictated by the size of the image - if you drag the square boxes around the image you can resize as desired.

Store List

The template has a single store shown, but you can include the details of up to 3 nearest stores. Each set of fields is labelled store 1, store 2 or store 3.

These fields come from the data file uploaded containing your store information. If these fields were empty or not included, they will not merge any data into the image.




The URL of the map used to generate the dynamic image of the map


The unique ID of the store


The name of the store

Full Address

This contains the full address details of the store, saving you from having to add multiple merge tags

Address 1

Address 2



Postal Code/ZIP
URLThe URL of the store home page, useful for adding as the map link to take anyone clicking to the page of this store.

In our template example we have simply merged in the full address field of store 1, to show their nearest store.

No doubt when you see merged data you will want to make some small tweaks, but then the image is ready.

Preview your map image

You can see the live map using real data by switching into preview mode in the canvas. Changing the preview values will allow you to see different results.

Add the tags to your email template

Once you are happy with your image click on ‘Generate Tags’ top right to open up the dialog.


On the first open of this dialog you will see it has pulled into the ‘Configuration’ section your preview values. You can change these to what you wish to include in the specific email you are sending, including adding merge tags from your ESP for the customers location. This also allows you to create one template, but use it in many different ways by simply changing the tags.

URL Tracking

This option allows you to override any default tracking values on the click-throughs that are set in your account settings page. This allows you to track traffic from these campaigns in your web analytics tools. 

Customise Tag

The customise tag option allows you to specify whether you wish to include a link, and the merge tag to identify the unique individual viewing the image. This is then used to calculate unique impressions.

Copying the tags

Under the ‘Your Tag’ you will now see the HTML to copy and paste to your email template – use the copy button provided to ensure the whole tag is copied correctly and paste into your HTML email.

And that is how to add a live map to your email campaigns!